Dr. Manuel Gustavo ISAAC
Swiss NSF Research Fellow
Department of Philosophy (ZUP)
University of Zurich (CH)

born | February 12, 1983
origin | Cali (Colombia)
nationality | Switzerland
AoS. — Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of language.
AoC. — Philosophy of cognitive science, Historical epistemology (&HPS/HOPOS).
Interests. — Experimental philosophy, Social philosophy.
About me...
I am a Research Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation in the Departement of Philosophy at the University of Zurich (Project number: P4P4PG_199180).
After obtaining my degrees in philosophy (BA, MA), logic (BA, MA), linguistics (MA), and historical epistemology (PhD) at Paris Sorbonne Universities, I have conducted as PI four postdoctoral research projects funded by prestigious fellowships and grants in Amsterdam (ILLC), Barcelona (LOGOS), St Andrews (ARCHÉ), and Zurich.
My work ranges from the history and philosophy of logic and mathematics to metaphilosophy and philosophical methods via the philosophies of language and mind. It has been published in Philosophy Compass, Erkenntnis, Ratio, Philosophia, Inquiry, Synthese, History and Philosophy of Logic, and Logica Universalis, among several other venues.
I am the creator of the Conceptual Engineering YouTube Channel and organize the Conceptual Engineering Online Seminar series since 2020.

Academic Titles
2015 - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theoretical, Descriptive and Automatic Linguistics @ Paris Diderot University (France)
2011 - Master of Arts (MA) in Logic and Philosophy of Science @ Panthéon-Sorbonne University (France)
2010 - Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Logic @ Panthéon-Sorbonne University (France)
2009 - Master of Arts (MA) in Literature, Philology, and Linguistics @ Paris-Sorbonne University (France)
2008 - Master of Arts (MA) in History of Philosophy @ Paris-Sorbonne University (France)
2006 - Bachelor of Arts (MA) in Philosophy @ Paris-Sorbonne University (France)

Academic Positions
2023/29 - FCT Assistant Researcher @ University of Lisbon (Center of Philosophy, LanCog) [Pending offer]
2021/22 - SNSF Postdoc Research Fellow @ University of Zurich (Department of Philosophy)
2020/21 - SNSF Postdoc.Mobility Fellow @ University of St Andrews (Department of Philosophy, ARCHÉ Philosophical Research Center)
2019/20 - AGAUR Beatriu de Pinós/Marie Curie COFUND Fellow @ University of Barcelona (Department of Philosophy, LOGOS Research Group)
2017/18 - SNSF Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellow @ University of Amsterdam (Department of Philosophy, ILLC)
2018 - Visiting Researcher & Scholar @ University of Oslo (Department of Philosophy, ConceptLab) & New York University (Department of Philosophy)
2016/17 - Postdoctoral Scientific Collaborator @ University of Geneva (Department of Philosophy)
2009/15 - PhD Candidate @ Paris Diderot University (CNRS Research Team 7597)
2011/14 - Assistant Lecturer & Research Associate @ Sorbonne-Nouvelle University (ILPGA)
Grants & Fellowships
2022 - Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (EUR 230,500)
2018 - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): Return Phase Fellowship (CHF 115,383)
2020 - THOUGHT Trust: Conference Grant (GBP 2,000)
2018 - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship (CHF 137,750)
2018 - Catalan Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR): Beatriu de Pinós Fellowship (EUR 92,000)
2017/18 - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): Eight supplementary grants for research and conference costs (CHF 5,785)
2017 - Amsterdam Brain and Cognition (ABC): Symposium Grant (EUR 2,500)
2016 - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship (CHF 112,040)
2016 - Beraten Netwerken Fördern (BNF): National Qualification Program (N/A CHF)
2014/17 - Miscellaneous: Several symposia and travel grants (approximate total amount: EUR 3,000)
August 2022: Paper accepted for Philosophy Compass (co-authors: S. Koch, R. Nefdt)
July 2022: Book contract for a 3-volume collection project on conceptual engineering with the Synthese Library book series (Springer)
March 2022: Paper published in Inquiry
January 2022: Paper accepted for Proceedings of CLMPST 2019 (College Publications)
September 2021: Paper published in Erkenntnis
June 2021: Paper published in Ratio
April 2021: Paper published in Philosophia
January 2021: Paper published in Inquiry
Fall 2020: Entry on conceptual engineering commissioned for The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (co-author: K. Scharp)
Fall 2020/2021: Guest edited Special Issue on conceptual engineering published in Inquiry
Seminar: Online Lecture Series @ Conceptual Engineering Network (Fall 2023/Spring 2022)
Invited talks: Genealogy & Conceptual Engineering Workshop (St Andrews, postponed), ESDIT Conference (Eindhoven, October 2022), Concept Travel Workshop (Basel, June 2022), Pluralist Conceptual Engineering (Lisbon, December 2021)
Contributed talks: EXTRA Workshop 3 (Bochum, July 2022), SoPhA 9 (Neuchâtel, July 2022), 3rd CCC Conference (Warsaw, Sept. 2021)
Postponed: Visiting Scholar @ University of Pittsburgh (DHPS/CPS)
2022: Fellow @ On Think Thanks
2021/22: SNSF Postdoc Research Fellow @ University of Zurich
2020/21: SNSF Postdoc.Mobility @ University of St Andrews (ARCHÉ)
2019/20: AGAUR Beatriu de Pinós @ University of Barcelona (LOGOS)
September 2018: Visiting Scholar @ New York University (Department of Philosophy)
January 2018: Visiting Researcher @ University of Oslo (ConceptLab)
2017/18: SNSF Early Postdoc.Mobility @ University of Amsterdam (ILLC)
University of Zurich
Department of Philosophy
Address: University of Zurich, Department of Philosophy
@ Zürichbergstraße 43, 8044 Zürich (CH)
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Phone: (+41) 634 45 31 (administration) – Room (TBA)